STFU ARTINYA - STFU ARTINYA - Richard IKR thank youquot People use

stfu artinya   buku mimpi3d Arti STFU adalah kepanjangan dari Shut the Fuck Up yang artinya tutup mulutmu!jangan banyak bacotdiam kaucongormucangkemmu.

mcdbola login The acronym STFU stands for shut the fuck up. It's often used when people are angry or upset with someone, usually online. Eng! Stfu tuh artinya apa ya?

klasemen liga inggris divisi 2 STFU - Shut The F*** Up . RN - Right Now . LMK - Let Me Know . TFW - That Feeling When 4. STFU = Shut The Fuck Up = diam. 5. IDK = I Don't Know = saya tidak tau. 6. STMU = Shut The Mouth Up = tutup mulutmu. 7. WTH = What The

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